Anatoliy's Analysis

An Interview With Roger “Bitcoin Jesus” Ver on RCBI, Crypto, and Flag Theory

Anatoliy’s Analysis
With Anatoliy Lyetayev

Anatoliy Lyetayev covers topics that help industry professionals be more efficient, do more business, and make more money.

I recently sat down with the one and only Roger Ver, one of the biggest advocates of cryptocurrency and a Bitcoin legend, and discussed how RCBI and cryptocurrency have transformed his life.

Roger is a citizen of St. Kitts & Nevis, a passport he obtained through investment, and is officially a former citizen of the US. Having renounced his American citizenship after getting his St. Kitts & Nevis passport, Roger completely understands the benefits of RCBI, and he highlights how cryptocurrency and RCBI complement each other perfectly to grant investors unhindered mobility and financial freedom. We covered many topics throughout our interview, and here are the highlights.

Number of Americans renouncing citizenship likely far greater than reported

I kick things off by questioning Roger’s decision to renounce a citizenship that millions of people dream of. Even highlighting that investors put in huge amounts of money just to get the Green Card through the EB5, and then wait years for the passport. 

Roger’s response highlights one thing; the American dream is not what it used to be. “Millions of people thought the world was flat but that doesn’t make it true, and millions of people think the US passport is the best or the US is the best place to live but that’s not necessarily true either” said Roger. He continued to say that large numbers of US citizens are renouncing their citizenship each year, and when I asked ‘do you have numbers?’, Roger responded with an estimate of 100,000 a year. 

Roger went on to say he believes that the US government is not completely truthful in their announcement of the number of people renouncing their American citizenship, using his own case, along with some of his friends who followed suit, as examples of renunciations not officially announced by the US government. 

When he renounced his citizenship, the US government reminded Roger that he would not be able to vote, serve in the armed forces, or claim social security tax benefits anymore. “They don’t remind you that you don’t have to pay social security tax either” exclaimed Roger.

Replacing something I dread with something I love

One great point of allure of a St. Kitts & Nevis citizenship, to Roger, is that the Caribbean nation does not impose income, inheritance, or capital gains tax on its citizens. He continued to say that not needing to file a tax return at the end of each year “is heaven to him”. Considering his tax returns in the US consisted of thousands of pages, everyone can understand where he is coming from.

Roger says that, instead of having to spend huge amounts of time doing something he dreads, St. Kitts & Nevis has allowed him to do what he loves instead. He is currently residing in St. Kitts & Nevis and travels regularly, having to renew his passport almost every year because it keeps filling up with stamps, and says he has no issues traveling the globe.

Cryptocurrency a key element in financial freedom

I then asked Roger about his view on cryptocurrency and how it plays into flag theory and financial autonomy. Being one of the leading figures in the world of cryptocurrency, Roger’s response was as emphatic as it was comprehensive.

“I’m a voluntarist and I think each individual owns their own life, and they should have complete control of their own life. They shouldn’t need permission from governments to do anything that’s peaceful. Cryptocurrencies enable individuals to do exactly that, so that’s why I’m so in love with digital currencies.”

Roger believes that each individual should own and have complete control over their lives and that cryptocurrency allows them to do so. When I asked him if governments won’t be so enthusiastic about cryptocurrency, Roger simply answered “that’s why I like it”.  

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Roger further explained that, in the cryptocurrency world, you can conduct business without the hurdles of traditional currency, such as fighting for a bank loan or begging for credit. It is all instant and simple. 

He then went into more detail on cryptocurrency, highlighting that not all digital currencies are made equal, and for him to believe in one “it has to be fast, cheap, reliable, and easy to use”. He highlighted that, since cryptocurrency differed from traditional currency, it came in a limited supply, so the more people that use it the higher its value becomes. Roger went on calling out governments for not adopting it yet. Using his new home as an example, he explained that if a country like St. Kitts & Nevis formally adopted cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin cash, and then other countries began jumping on the bandwagon, the Caribbean nation could see itself become one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

I then became the first person ever to ask Roger what the first principle of cryptocurrency is. Roger responded with “self-sovereignty or self-responsibility” and went on to expound that each individual can be in complete control over it themselves. 

I then asked Roger what his mission in cryptocurrency is, and he responded that “my mission with cryptocurrency is to provide the tools and the infrastructure to allow people to engage in more commerce with each other and do more free trade. More economic freedom leads to more economic growth and more economic growth leads to a higher standard of living for everybody; with better medical technology, better computer technology, better spaceships, cars, and everything (…) so it’s a tool to make the world a better place for everybody and it’s the world I’m living in too and that’s why I’m doing this day in and day out.”

No one knows when a government will go berserk

Asked about what he knew about flag theory, Roger responded simply: “You have your citizenship in one country, you live in another, and do your business somewhere else.” And that is exactly what he is doing. When quizzed on how many flags he currently has, Roger said four, with St. Kitts & Nevis and Japan being the two public ones.

I then asked him if cryptocurrency can be considered an additional flag. Roger responded by saying it actually replaces an existing one. This is a clear indication that cryptocurrency is no longer in the future, but very much in the present.

“Everyone in the world should have a second passport” was Roger’s response to the question of who should get a second citizenship. “Having a second passport gives you the opportunity to flee to somewhere else when the government goes crazy, and if you don’t have a second passport you are at the complete mercy of the government that controls the passport that you have.”

Roger astutely highlights that “you never know when a government goes crazy” and drew on post-world war Germany and the sudden shift to the Nazi regime as an example. I chimed in with my own experience, having been born in a country that no longer exists (the Soviet Union). 

Roger highlighted that putting all your trust in one government leaves you vulnerable while having a second passport gives you the support of another government in case one decides to go haywire. 

Roger believes that by combining cryptocurrency, second passports, and a libertarian mindset, you can truly free yourself from the shackles and work towards total freedom and prosperity. Roger went on to state that “libertarianism and free markets lead to a more prosperous world for everybody. If you take a look at the countries with more freedom, they have a higher standard of living and higher economic growth. Just look at North Korea and South Korea.”

Roger believes that everybody in the world should be advocating for more economic freedom because it directly leads to a better life for everyone.

Anatoliy Lyetayev AuthorSubscriber

I am a former human rights lawyer turned founder of global citizenship and residence advisory company Migronis Citizenship

We can choose where to live and do business. I have been living in different countries, such as the USA, Brazil, Portugal. I test countries and evaluate them according to my criteria. Therefore, I know what to offer my clients.

I appreciate the freedom of movement. That is why I help others get it.

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